Using Gitlab CI with a Clojure project

Gitlab allows you not only to have free private repositories, but also to test them using free runners. These can run automatically, on push, for any branch or tag.

I keep a few private repositories with them, for personal projects and small experiments. I decided to give Gitlab CI a shot for a PostgreSQL-backed Clojure project.

There’s a basic example on the Gitlab CI repository. It gets and installs lein, which isn’t necessary. Instead, we’ll build use the clojure:lein Docker image.

Tropology performance: PostgreSQL vs Neo4j

Or, apples vs. papaya salad.

Short version: I’ve moved Tropology to PostgreSQL for performance reasons, and because after some evaluation, Neo4j wasn’t as good a fit as it seemed at first blush.

You may want to start by catching up with the other Tropology articles.

All done?