Chasing after NoSuchMethodError:

This one bit me a bit hard and, seeing as I could find only one reference for it in the context of Clojure and Leiningen, I thought a small write-up would help.

After including some ClojureScript code on my project, lein started barfing when I attempted to build an uberjar with any optimization settings other than none.

Exception in thread “main” java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:;J)Ljava/io/InputStream;, compiling:(/private/var/folders/64/ckdtdxm14059n9wh8rhf1mvw0000gn/T/form-init527739448955044836.clj:1:123)

There was only one obscure reference I found, from an IRC chat now a couple of years old. My first thought was that something in the ClojureScript code was throwing off the compiler, but it seemed odd that this would trigger a call to a specific non-existent method.

Other searches - outside of the lein context - made me realize it was actually a dependency conflict, and only triggered on uberjar because since there wasn’t any ClojureScript code deployed before the compiler hadn’t had to be invoked.


lein deps :tree

showed there were multiple versions of being referenced, with the one used by ClojureScript being 18.0 but a much older 11.0.1 being referenced by urly. Seems like lein either doesn’t realize there’s a conflict or defaults to the older library, which was causing the error when ClojureScript attempted to build.