ClojureScript performance revisited


At the recent Thingmonk conference in London, I got to chatting about Clojure and ClojureScript. It’s an IoT event, so it was to be expected that the topic of performance on devices like the Tessel or Raspberry Pi would come up.

That got me thinking about the piece I wrote back in January about ClojureScript performance for Processing sketches. How much has ClojureScript performance improved since?

Let’s find out.

ClojureScript vs. CoffeeScript for Processing sketches

DECEMBER 2015 UPDATE: I’ve run some tests with the latest ClojureScript and made some minor changes to the code, which significantly improved performance. Read this post for updated numbers. Keeping this post around for archival reasons.

The set up

This whole thing started not as a performance test, but as me experimenting with ClojureScript and Quil while reading Matt Pearson’s Generative Art. As such, it is not the most scientific of comparisons, and instead born out of my notes when exploring how to do sketches with ClojureScript for the web.

Consider the following example: