AWS Lambda, Clojure and ClojureScript


In case you’re not familiar with them, AWS Lambdas are a fascinating idea - they are server functions you can create and run without first provisioning servers: you write your code, upload it, and pay only for the time that is executed.

There’s only one (somewhat minor) catch: given that there is no provisioned server capacity at all, the first time that you execute a lambda it has to be warmed up. The code stays live for a period of time after the first execution, but given Clojure’s start up time cost, I was wondering what effect that would have on a Clojure lambda.

Clojure and DynamoDB with Faraday, Part 4

Update and friends

This is the final part of the series where I convert Amazon’s Getting Started to Clojure with Faraday. If you’ve just arrived, the previous parts were:

This part will correspond to steps 7 and 8 of the Getting Started guide. Let’s move on to updating and deleting data!

Clojure and DynamoDB with Faraday, Part 3

Welcome back

In part 1 we went over the basic table creation operations, as well as writing data, and on part 2 we looked at getting, querying and scanning data.

We’ve only been working with the primary key so far, but often we’ll want to get data using a secondary index. On this part we’ll follow step 6 of Amazon’s Getting Started. We’ll see how to create, query and scan them, as well as how Faraday handles these asynchronous calls.

Clojure and DynamoDB with Faraday, Part 2

The story so far

On Part 1 we went over the basic operations - creating a table, checking its status, getting data in and performing a simple retrieval.

We’ll now look into various ways of retrieving items, including querying, scanning, and using projections to get only a few properties.

This assumes you’ve already completed part 1, since we’ll be using the data we added. As a reminder, I’m following the Javascript examples on basic DynamoDB operations, since they are the ones where the data set-up will more closely match Clojure. You may want to follow along for extra explanations and for comparison purposes.

Clojure and DynamoDB with Faraday, Part 1

DynamoDB and Clojure

There are two main options of accessing DynamoDB in Clojure right now - Amazonica, which provides a Clojure client through reflection that’s comprehensive but a direct translation of Amazon’s; and Faraday, which does not take the reflection approach and provides a simpler, more succinct access than one would otherwise get.

Both have a paucity of examples. Amazonica can probably better get away with it since it gets to piggy-back on the AWS examples out there, but Faraday’s tests have been growing and can double as examples.

I started with Faraday, since its more concise API was more appealing and I liked its reasonable defaults. In the process, I’ve added some missing functionality, expanded tests, and noticed that the examples from Amazon’s Getting Started tutorial weren’t fully covered.

Let’s fix that.