ZKP Bridging

TL;DR: I don’t see any practical path forward for decentralized stuff other than abandon the pretense of cross-chain value transfer and embrace balkanization, while letting the centralized stuff handle the cross-chain value transfer.

Bridges, not platforms

(Update: This is an older view on the potentials for bridges for crypto. For an updated perspective, check my thoughts on The Spelunking Podcast Ep. 21 about how we are moving to a “zero-knowledge everything” world, or this piece on ZKP Bridging.)

Cosmos and Polkadot, which were both born to ensure interoperability among different chains, are in a race to maintain their relevance.

Bridged volume as a metric

On Beyond The Wormhole, Meltem talks about bridges and mentions that < 1% of bridged assets are going through Wormhole (as of 202111).

That raised an interesting idea: How much is being bridged to each platform is likely a more interesting metric of platform financial usage than TVL.